The global goal of the Government of Rwanda is to reduce poverty and in turn to improve the well-being of its population. Within this context, the aim of education in Rwanda is to combat ignorance and illiteracy and to provide human resources useful for the socio-economic development of Rwanda through the education system.
The government of Rwanda has put in place a nine-year education strategic plan with the aim of increasing that aims to among others promote universal primary education. Reducing school drops outs and teaching effectively in order to cut the rate of students repeating class. This Strategic Plan is based on Government’s commitment to reduce poverty and the role education should play in improving welfare of the population. The strategy is also in line with the United Nations Declarations and Millennium Goals Objectives, which emphasise the importance of Universal Primary Education. Strategic priorities for Rwanda’s Ministry of Education include;
• Fee-free Education • HIV/AIDS • Trilingualism • Science, Technology and ICT • Special Needs Education